Norton will let you use its parental control software free for 6 months


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Norton will let you use its parental control software free for 6 months

TL;DR: Norton is offering six months of its parental control software, Norton Family Premier, for free — a huge jump from its regular 30-day trial and a total savings of $249.95.

Parents were worried about screen time before schools were closed and kids were home at all times. Now, typing "screen time statistics" into Google is immediately autofilled by "during quarantine." 

The New York Times is advising to not freak out about screen time, and it's true that the studies linking screen time and cognitive development aren't very reliable. But there are reasons you still may want to manage your kid's online activity: Minecraft may be distracting them from remote school work, or maybe you'd just feel more comfortable about this increase in screen time if you knew that your child wasn't landing on any inappropriate sites.  Read more...

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